Der Stralsunder Zoo gehört mit zu den schönsten Deutschlands. Der Zoo ist naturnah gestaltet, viele einheimische Tiere erlauben eine offene Gestaltung, die zum Ausruhen und Entspannen einlädt.
Zoo Stralsund
Grünhufer Bogen
Stralsund OT Knieper
Stralsund OT Knieper
window.WPLeafletMapPlugin = window.WPLeafletMapPlugin || []; window.WPLeafletMapPlugin.push(function WPLeafletjsonShortcode() {/**/ var src = ''; var default_style = {}; var rewrite_keys = { stroke : 'color', 'stroke-width' : 'weight', 'stroke-opacity' : 'opacity', fill : 'fillColor', 'fill-opacity' : 'fillOpacity', }; // htmlspecialchars converts & to "&"; maybe unnecessarily, and maybe 3x var ampersandRegex = /&(?:amp;){1,3}/g var layer = L.ajaxGeoJson(src.replace(ampersandRegex, '&'), { type: 'json', style : layerStyle, onEachFeature : onEachFeature, pointToLayer: pointToLayer }); var fitbounds = 0; var circleMarker = 0; var popup_text = window.WPLeafletMapPlugin.unescape(""); var popup_property = ""; var group = window.WPLeafletMapPlugin.getCurrentGroup(); var markerOptions = window.WPLeafletMapPlugin.getIconOptions({}); layer.addTo( group ); window.WPLeafletMapPlugin.geojsons.push( layer ); if (fitbounds) { layer.on('ready', function () { this.getBounds() ); }); } function layerStyle (feature) { var props = || {}; var style = {}; function camelFun (_, first_letter) { return first_letter.toUpperCase(); }; for (var key in props) { if (key.match('-')) { var camelcase = key.replace(/-(\w)/, camelFun); style[ camelcase ] = props[ key ]; } // rewrite style keys from if (rewrite_keys[ key ]) { style[ rewrite_keys[ key ] ] = props[ key ]; } } return L.Util.extend(style, default_style); } function onEachFeature (feature, layer) { var props = || {}; var text; if (0) { text = window.WPLeafletMapPlugin.propsToTable(props); } else { text = popup_property ? props[ popup_property ] : window.WPLeafletMapPlugin.template( popup_text, ); } if (text) { layer.bindPopup( text ); } } function pointToLayer (feature, latlng) { if (circleMarker) { return L.circleMarker(latlng); } return L.marker(latlng, markerOptions); }});